LearnITGirl Blog: My experience as an Intern

Khyati Soneji
2 min readJun 10, 2019


On March 5, 2019, I got acceptance mail for my first remote internship.
I was literally over the moon and looking forward to contributing.
The email read:

Dear Khyati,

Thank you for applying to Learn IT, Girl! 4th edition! We are very excited to announce that you are accepted as a scholar. Congratulations! We are happy to have you with us learning IT and being part of our community.

My mentor assigned was Vaibhavi Singh. She is a final year student from NSIT Delhi, India and she was very active to send out the first introductory mail.
She made me feel comfortable as I was a bit nervous about how I should start with the project.

My project was about building a slack bot that would ask users questions on a periodic basis.
This slack bot can be used during internship programs to ask questions to the interns if they are facing any issues.
You can add users and questions to the slack bot and download a report containing the answers by the users.

You can find my complete application here.
Hope that this application is helpful for anyone who wants to apply for any internship program.

During the last 3 months, I have worked mostly on Ruby on Rails to build the bot.

The best part of slack bot is that it takes into account the timezone of the user. So if you will schedule the questions at 10:00 am, it will ask the questions at 10:00 am and not late at night.

The slack bot currently supports the following commands:
a. Help: Get the list of commands available
b. Add User: Add user to ask questions
c. Add Question: Add a question to be asked to all users
d. Schedule Question: Set the time in HH: mm format when the answer will be scheduled
e. Download report: This report contains information on each answer provided by users.

Here is a demo of the slack bot in action.

The code is completely open source and feel free to contribute here.

I would like to thank LearnITGirl team to organize such awesome programs.
Also kudos to Vaibhavi, who was not just helpful for my project but also resolved my doubts about internship and scholarship opportunities.

Lastly to everyone who is looking to apply for internship programs, I hope that my blog would serve as a good reference.



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